segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2011


De acordo com as regras do simple present, conjugue os verbos:
a) to love
b) to study
c) to go
d) to relax
Em todas as pessoas.
a)I love
you love
he loves
she loves
it loves
we love
you love
they  love
I study
you study 
he studies
she studies
it studies
we study
you study
they study
c)I go
you go
he gos
she gos
it gos
we go
you go
they go
d)I relax
you relax
he relaxs
she relaxs
it relaxs
we relaxs
you relaxs
they relax


1 - Complete the sentences:
a) So, you are expecting a baby ,and you are still choosing a name.
b) You have heard reports that teachers give better grades to David and Karem than to Elmer and Gertrude.

2- Write (T) true, (F) false:
a) You are not expecting a baby. ( f )
b) Your child’s name is not going to affect his or her future. (f )
c) That a special name helps a child develop self-esteem.(t )

3- Associate the columns:
a) You
b) Your child's name
c) Now there
d) She
(c ) is help
(a ) are expecting a baby.
(d ) tells us that those reports about teachers are probably worng.
(b ) is going to affect his or her future.

4- Mark the sentence with Simple Present: (não pode ser verb to be)
a) You are expecting a baby.
b) Now there is help.
xc) She tells us that those reports about teachers are probably wrong.
d) You are still chosing a name.

domingo, 22 de maio de 2011


 The new baby name book.
So, you are expecting a baby, and you are still choosing a name. Your child’s name is going to affect his or her future, so you do not want to make a mistake. You have heard reports that teachers give better grades to David and Karen than to Elmer and Gertrude. Relax. Now there is help – Sue Browder’s new book. She tells us that those reports about teachers are probably wrong, however, that a special name helps a child develop self-esteem.
O novo nome do bebe livro
 assim vocês estão esperando um bebe,e vocêis ainda tem que escolher um nome.O nome da sua criança pode afetar seu futuro então voce não quer fazer um erro.Você tem que,voce já ouviu falar em relatórios que os professores dão notas melhores para Davide Karen do que Elmer e gertrudes.Relacione agora há ajuda seu novo livro nos diz que os relatórios sobre os professores provavelmente são errados que no entanto um nome especial ajuda a criança a desnvolver a auto-estima.